The challenges of using electric bikes on cycle paths

Bike in town
The use of e-bikes on bike paths has been questioned lately in the United States. It is true that these are clean forms of mobility, but they are also among the most vulnerable vehicles. Some of them can even drive very fast and with their heavier weight they are more dangerous in the event of a collision. Given the explosion in sales of electric bicycles in 2021, the number of VAE keeps increasing. Hence the interest in rethinking their use on cycle paths.

Solution n ° 1

The first solution put forward is the mixing of bodied motor vehicle traffic with electric bicycle traffic and traffic from all other electric modes of transport. This can relieve the clutter a little cycle lanes, but it can promote accidents. It can also demotivate people from using e-bikes and clean mobility as a whole. Which will increase the pollution of the environment.

Solution n ° 2

The second advanced solution is to keep e-bikes on bike paths. This can be seen as a way to put pedelecs in their place and encourage green mobility, but it will force cyclists to ride in more dangerous conditions. As cycle lanes are invaded by other modes of soft mobility, people jogging and people taking their pets for a walk, it would be difficult to use them on a daily basis.

Solution n ° 3

The third solution put forward is to redevelop/renovate the cycle paths. Since their design is less and less adapted to the needs of e-bike users, there would be no harm in rethinking it. In this way, it would be possible to mix different flows, in particular that of pedestrians with that of bicycles at less than 25 km/h and that of other vehicles traveling at less than 45 km/h.


It should be noted that this issue is not unique to US cities. Some European cities and especially French cities are also equipped with cycle paths unsuited to the needs of cyclists. This is the case, for example, of lanes painted on roads assigned to cars and limiting the feeling of protection for cyclists. It is quite possible to redesign these routes and place them in more appropriate areas such as between parking spaces. car park and the sidewalk. Added to this problem is also the question of restricting vehicles and that of the insertion of scooters traveling at less than 45 km/h on the parts of cycle paths reserved for fast traffic... Yes, the debate is open!