It is sometimes difficult to see concretely what the steps for an eco-responsible lifestyle are. However, small daily gestures are more than enough to be more respectful of the environment. In addition, it will allow you to reduce your energy consumption.

Change energy supplier

Steps to an eco-responsible lifestyle can very well consist of changing energy supplier. It's actually a great way to save money.

Find out about Eni or EDF notices

Eni's opinions as well as those of EDF are actually quite similar. In fact, these two suppliers offer both gas and electricity subscriptions. Prices are also comparable, yet consumers seem to prefer EDF customer service. In addition, it offers multiple payment methods. The price of the Eni subscription is much more advantageous than at EDF. Also, the green offers offered by the two suppliers also make it possible to embark on a more environmentally friendly approach. You will get more information here.

EDF or Total Direct Energy subscription?

When subscribing to an EDF or Total Direct Énergie subscription, you will have access to green electricity subscriptions. Why this offer? It will quite simply allow you to consume less and above all to make a gesture for the environment. You will thus benefit from a discount on the price of the kWh.

Before proceeding with a subscription, you can consult this link.

Carry out insulation work

To adopt an eco-responsible approach, you can also opt for insulation work. This will prevent you from losing heat. As a priority, you must therefore insulate the roof or attic (to avoid losing 30% of heat); the walls (to guard against 25% loss); the windows via the installation of double glazing.

Finally, remember to ventilate your home well on a daily basis and to insulate the floors. Professionals also recommend the installation of VMC ventilation.

Have a less energy-consuming home

Within your home, you can establish new consumption habits. This will allow you to reduce your energy consumption and do something for the planet. It is therefore recommended to:

  • Do not overheat your house;
  • Lower your radiator by one degree to save 7%;
  • Be sure to turn off the light in each room where you are not;
  • Make sure to turn off your devices such as the TV or the PC when they are not in use;
  • Reduce the length of your showers and do not take too many baths;
  • Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.

Besides, why not produce your own energy? Indeed, renewable energies allow you to save money on your bill and to act while respecting the environment. You can thus choose wind energy or the installation of photovoltaic panels.

Make journeys on foot

Taking your car pollutes the environment and even public transport is responsible. In order to save money and especially to maintain good health, take trips on foot from time to time. You can also use other modes of transport such as bike or scooter.