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Deconfinement by bike in La Rochelle

Promote cycling on the coast

Le bike is the preferred means of transport during the deconfinement phase. It makes it possible to respect physical distancing measures and to avoid gatherings in public transport. It is also a “green” means of transport that is ecological, economical and practical.
In La Rochelle, as in several other French towns, a “Bike boost” has been proposed by the Government to encourage cycling. This translates into an aid of 50 euros which allows cyclists to repair their bicycles in order to be able to use them.

The “Bike boost” in La Rochelle

This subsidy on bicycle repairs is accessible to all provided that each interested party follows the steps indicated on the government platform. You just have to choose an approved service provider on this site and send a photo of the two-wheeler to be repaired as well as some documents such as a copy of your identity card, passport or driving licence.
On the day of the appointment, you must bring back the Smartphone with which the cyclist contacted the repair mechanic and revealed to him the code received by SMS in order to directly apply the flat rate of 50 euros to the invoice.
Of course, if the expenses exceed this sum, the difference will be borne by the beneficiary. This means that if the bill reaches, for example, 80 euros, the cyclist will have to pay the 30 euros difference. It should be remembered that this flat-rate aid only concerns costs related to bicycle repairs such as the cost of changing brakes, tires, lights or chains.

Other measures taken by the La Rochelle agglomeration

In addition to this “Bike boost”, many new cycle paths have been developed in the city center of La Rochelle and its immediate outskirts. This is the case, for example, of those that run along the quai Maubec, the boulevard Joffre and the rue Pierre-Loti. This usually takes the form of markings on the ground.
In addition, other additional measures have also been taken by the La Rochelle conurbation to further encourage the use of bicycles. These measures include, for example, the installation of 300 additional hoops and the bonus for the purchase of a electric bike which has been doubled from 100 to 200 euros minimum. As we all know, the electric bike can effortlessly travel up to 30 km in a day. This therefore constitutes an excellent alternative in this period of deconfinement.

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