Cycling in the middle of summer: 4 tips for pedaling in the sun


Summer is here with its blazing sun, but that doesn't mean you have to give up your passion for the bike. Whether it's your daily commute or an adventure cyclist planned for a long time, it is possible to continue pedaling despite the heat.

Here are the 4 essential tips to allow you to ride a bike with complete peace of mind on the hottest days.

Check the condition of your bike

Before hitting the roads in the summer period, it is essential to devote time to a thorough check of the condition of your bike. Although it is recommended throughout the year, this precaution becomes all the more essential when the weather is hot.
To facilitate this check and help you in the maintenance of your bike, do not hesitate to use a bike maintenance station.

Start by inspecting your tires, as they are particularly sensitive to high temperatures. Check their pressure and make sure they don't show excessive wear. Damaged tires could deteriorate faster in the hot sun, increasing the risk of untimely and avoidable punctures.
Next, pay special attention to the chain and derailleurs.

Make sure they are well lubricated and working properly. Heat can accelerate the wear of mechanical components, so it is important to maintain them regularly to avoid any problems during your summer rides. Don't forget to check the brakes to make sure they respond effectively and safely.

Finally, inspect your entire bike for any signs of deterioration or weaknesses. Check the spokes, pedals, handlebars, saddle and all other important components. If you notice any major problems or faulty parts, it is recommended that you have them repaired or replaced before hitting the road in hot weather.

Don't leave without a water bottle

When cycling in hot weather, it's essential to prioritize your hydration.

The combination of physical exertion and heat can lead to significant water loss and increase the risk of dehydration. On average, the human body can lose between 2 to 3 liters of water per day, or even more in the event of intense physical activity.
Before leaving for your bike ride, be sure to bring a suitable water bottle or water bottle.

It is recommended that you drink regularly throughout your ride to keep your body well hydrated.

Avoid the hottest hours

When planning a hot weather bike ride, it's best to avoid riding during the hottest hours of the day, usually between 11 a.m. and 16 p.m.

During this period, the sun is at its zenith and the heat is often more intense, which can make the cycling more difficult and potentially dangerous for your health.
If possible, adjust your schedule to organize your bike trips in the early morning or late evening when the temperatures are cooler.

Not only will you benefit from a more pleasant atmosphere, but you will also avoid excessive exposure to the scorching sun.

Use a VAE to facilitate your effort

When summer temperatures rise and cycling trips can seem more demanding, an interesting option is to opt for an electrically assisted bicycle (VAE). The VAE allows you to enjoy the benefits of cycling while reducing the physical effort required, which is particularly advantageous when it is hot.

Thanks to its electric assistance system, the eBike gives you extra help when you pedal, which can make climbs easier and longer distances more accessible. This means that you can enjoy your bike rides without getting too exhausted, while maintaining a level of physical activity adapted to your needs.

In addition, if you are considering using an e-bike, you can also take advantage of the advantages charging stations for VAE or scooter available in many cities. These charging stations allow you to easily recharge the battery of your eBike while on the move, giving you greater range and ensuring that you do not run out of battery on your longer journeys.

Be sure to locate charging stations near your route to plan your charging stops if needed.

By following these tips, you can fully enjoy your passion for cycling even in hot weather. Don't forget to take care of yourself, to hydrate yourself regularly and to adapt your practice according to the weather conditions.

Good walk !