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Always more cyclists in Lyon

cycling in road traffic More and more cyclists in Lyon

In Lyons, the bike really on the rise right now. Many Lyonnais have decided to replace polluting transport with green transport in order to preserve their health, their wallet and the environment. Specifically, a 12% growth was observed in 2022. Here is a small overview of the latest statistics.

42 million bicycle trips in 2022

2022 can indeed be considered another record year for bicycle use. The latest reports revealed that there were 42 million bicycle trips in the metropolis last year, compared to 37 million in 2021.
This increase no longer needs to be proven, given the traffic flows in the cycle paths from Lyon. Not only are there many cyclists in the streets of Lyon, but their number can still increase with the development of new Lyon lanes. As a result, it is estimated that in 2023, the metropolis will reach 45 million bicycle trips, or even more.

An uneven increase in the Lyon metropolis

It should be noted, however, that the growth of regular cycling is not similar for the whole of the metropolis of Lyon. One of the places most frequented by cyclists is the Quai de Rhône rive gauche called Quai Augagneur. This has approximately 3,7 million passages and it runs alongside Boulevard Sébastopol in Paris which shows 4,3 million bicycle trips.
As for the least frequented areas in Lyon, there is Parc Lacroix-Laval in Marcy l'Etoile, which only has nearly 16 trips. In fact, this part of the metropolis has experienced a very large decrease, since it recorded 000 trips in 33, or -000%. And the same goes for the Pont d'Herbens in Meyzieu, it recorded only 2021 journeys in 48, against 177 in 000.

A bright future for cycling in Lyon

As mentioned above, the cycling in Lyon can have a bright future. Lyon routes can attract new enthusiasts. And actions taken by the government can further motivate people to turn to clean transport.
As the impacts of pollution are increasingly felt, it has become easier to convince people to stop using vehicles that emit greenhouse gases and other harmful substances. Well, of course, the bicycle can be a better alternative. Not to mention the fact that its use can provide many other benefits.

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